Tin Cup

Cast: Kevin Costner, Rene Russo, Cheech Marin, Don Johnson

Director: Ron Shelton (1996)

Director Ron Shelton made a fantastic comedy with Tin Cup. For sports fans not aware of the process of making a professional golf tour, this movie will be an eye opener. It is also funny and Kevin Costner is fantastic as the hero.

Plot: A romantic comedy of sorts, the film follows the exploits of Roy “Tin Cup” McAvoy (Costner), a former golf prodigy now whiling away his days drinking beer with his buddy Romeo (Marin) on the rundown driving range that he owns.

When Molly (Russo) shown up looking for a lesson, it starts a bit of a love triangle with McAvoy, Molly and her boyfriend David Simms (Johnson), a top touring pro who played with Roy in college. Simms eventually hires and then fires Roy as his caddie, and to get revenge Roy decides to try to qualify for the U.S. Open and beat Simms.

Eventually Roy does make it to the U.S. Open, where Molly sees Simms’ ugly side and dumps him. We also get to see the ugly, stubborn side of Roy’s game, which costs him a shot at the title but leads to a shot for the ages.

Opinion/Review: Costner and Russo are truly in their element here; their chemistry is palpable and authentic. The banter between Costner and Marin provides much of the comedy, and Johnson does a sleazeball pro about as well as anybody. Great fun.

Fun Facts: Shelton also directed Costner in “Bull Durham.” … The American Cancer Society hosts an annual one-day charity tournament in North Carolina called “The Tin Cup Tournament.” … Professional golfer Sergio Garcia earned the derisive nickname “Tin Cup” after shooting six over on the final two holes of a round at the 2013 Players Championship.




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